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kallie schut - yoga humanities

Kallie is a 2nd generation British Indian living in London. She has had a profoundly spiritual personal sadhana for 35 years which honours her ancestral heritage. 

In recent years, Kallie qualified as a yoga teacher to bring the richness of wisdom traditions and philosophy to the practice of yoga as taught in public spaces in a way which values and respects the roots of yoga. 

Kallie has been a lifelong social activist - advocating for those without a voice or presence in places of power and privilege -  in law, the community and now in yoga. 

Kallie harnesses the courage of her practice to challenge the yoga industry to co-create spaces which are accessible, inclusive and representative for those who feel excluded or marginalised. 

She is one of  founding members of the UK Yoga Teachers Union.   

Kallie runs courses to challenge and support teachers and leaders to delve deep into examining the impact of systemic racism and the legacy of colonialism through the lens of yoga and to work collaboratively to repair inequity and injustice.

We are delighted that Kallie will be bringing her expertise to this training for a deep dive into the History of Yoga, Ethics and Racial Equity.